Phone: 830-672-9551 ext. 1609


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts: Journalism/Corporate Communications-Public Relations Master of Education: Educational Administration In Process: Doctorate of Education-Learning and Organizational Change Teaching Certification: 4-8 Generalist

Ms. Adrienne L. Steen

Hello!  I am currently serving Gonzales ISD as the district MTSS Coordinator. As the MTSS Coordinator, I am responsible for RTI, PBIS, Academic and Behavior Intervention Support, and monitoring our district-wide reporting system, Anonymous Alerts. I am also the ACE/HB4545 Program Director and the TCLAS Grant Manager. 

I am a PROUD graduate of Gonzales ISD, Class of 1995!  After graduating, I went to Baylor University, where I received a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Corporate Communications.  In 2019, I received my Master's degree in Educational Administration from Lamar University.  Being a dedicated and life-long learner, I am currently pursuing my Doctorate in Education with a focus on Learning and Organizational Change at Baylor University. I have spent all 19 years of my career in education serving Gonzales ISD. 

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.  I also enjoy reading, traveling, attending sporting events (Sic 'em Bears), shopping, and playing with my dog Pawley.

  • What is MTSS?

    The acronym MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. MTSS is the framework that includes RTI, which is academic, and PBIS, which is behavioral.

    The MTSS framework is comprised of two intervention-based frameworks, RTI and PBIS.  The academic component, RTI, stands for Response to Intervention, while the behavioral component, PBIS, stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. MTSS is in place to help Gonzales ISD identify struggling students early so that they may receive the support needed to be successful.  



    Key Components of MTSS Include:

    Universal screening of all students early in the school year

    Tiers of Intervention that can be amplified in response to levels of need

    Ongoing data collection and continuous assessment

    Schoolwide approach to expectations and support 

    Parental Involvement


    RTI (Response to Intervention)

    RTI is an approach that schools use to help all students, including struggling learners.  The RTI approach gives Texas students opportunities to learn and work at their grade level. The idea is to help all students be successful. (Texas Education Agency, 2022)



    Gonzales ISD utilizes the CHAMPS model and APACHE WAY for PBIS (Positive Interventions and Supports.

    PBIS seeks to reduce or eliminate poor behavior throughout school through the encouragement of positive behaviors.

    CHAMPS is an evidence-based approach to supporting the classroom teacher in developing an effective classroom management plan that is proactive, positive, and instructional. 

    The CHAMPS approach guides teachers on how to make effective decisions about managing behavior.



    APACHE WAY! It's who we are!


    Apache WayYard Sign