• What is ACE?


    Location: Gonzales North Avenue

    Who: K-5th grade

    When: Monday-Friday, after school dismissal until 6:10PM

    What: Tutorials, HB 4545 hour help, homework help, clubs, family engagement events


    Request an application Today!!!!

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Meet the Site Coordinator



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Dotti Varnell

Dotti Varnell graduated from North Shore High School in Houston, Texas. While attending Texas A & M, she majored in education and minored in Psychology. She also studied sign language at Sam Houston State University. Since then, she has worked in the education system for 14 years. Most of those years were in the Special Education department and working with Life Skills students. She has begun a new journey at the University of Oklahoma, reaching for her BA in Organizational Leadership.

Dotti made the move to Gonzales ISD in January of 2023 as the ACE Site Coordinator at Gonzales North Avenue. The elementary ACE program covers 2 campuses; GE and GNA. Through the ACE program she hopes to enrich, grow, and strengthen her students and their families. This will solidify an
already tight-knit Gonzales community.

Dotti spends her free time with her two grown children. Her son, Eric, just went back to school at Texas
A & M where he is studying to become a Human Resource Professional. Her daughter studied organic chemistry
at Sam Houston University. They are both currently employed at United Airlines.

In her spare time, she devotes her time to other children, family and friends. A few of her hobbies are traveling, working on stained glass, and spending time at the beach.