• I am here for the students. I enjoy watching them grow from the first day of school to the last day. I love lending a hand and an ear when they need one. ~Candy Brown, EA Secretary 2000


Why Gonzales ISD?

  • My name is Opra Knox. I started working for GISD in 1999 as a sub for the cafeteria, then I became full-time. After that, I became Cafeteria Manager. I enjoy what I do because it is for the kids and I enjoy feeding them. I enjoy feeding anybody because I love to cook. I have been here for 20 years and I love what I do. It makes me happy to see the kids' faces light up when they come in and see what we are having for lunch. That makes my day.         ~ Opra Knox, GE Cafeteria Manager 1999

    I have been with GISD for 7 years and truly feel at home. Working at Gonzales Elementary is like working with family and I cannot imagine being anywhere else. We always have each other’s back and work as a team.  ~ Kaley Hilbig, GE 3rd Grade Teacher 2012

  • At GISD I feel valued as a professional. I don't live in Gonzales but I have always felt at home here, and I want to instill the same emotion in my students as they begin their educational journey in my classroom. ~Maria Vela, Pre K-Bilingual GPA Teacher 2004


    I enjoy teaching for GISD because it is well-known that the teachers, coaches, administration, and staff are passionate about children. I also enjoy teaching for this district because it has become a second family. The people I work with are not only my coworkers, but have become some of my closest friends. I have truly had a great experience working for Gonzales ISD since I started teaching for the district 6 years ago. 
    ~Mrs. Jessica Bouler, Pre K GPA Teacher 2013
our children
  • The reason I chose Gonzales ISD is because this is place where you discover who you are, what you are about. It is where greatness lies within the school buildings and in the community. With the right people that greatness shines.  ~Kevin Johnson, District Girls Athletics Coordinator, Head Cross Country & Girls Track Coach, HS Special Education Teacher 2015.

  • I have had the privilege of working with Gonzales ISD for two years now, first as a substitute teacher and now as a second-grade teacher. The school district staff has always made me feel welcome; since, the first day I walked in to take on my first substitute assignment to now my second-grade classroom. I have the honor of working with great teachers, instructional aides, instructional coaches, and administrators who continue guiding me as a first-time teacher. I am truly thankful to be a part of such a supportive and positive team. I am looking forward to a future with Gonzales ISD. I am truly thankful to be a part of this organization.     ~Mrs. Alexandra Reyna, 2nd EA Teacher 2019